MCL Hospitality

MCL Hospitality: 30% Increase in Quoting Volume

MCL sells commercial kitchen equipment and operates in a niche space, so it was important to reach their target audience through targeted ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.


Encipher Digital Marketing used a multi-faceted approach to generate leads for MCL Hospitality. We began by conducting market research to understand the target audience and determine the most effective channels for reaching them. Based on this research, we created targeted ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram that were designed to appeal to MCL's target audience.

To further increase the reach and effectiveness of the ads, we also implemented retargeting tactics, which allowed us to show the ads to users who had previously visited MCL's website or engaged with their content. This helped to keep MCL top-of-mind with their target audience and increase the chances of them converting into leads.

Results As Of Jan 2024:

780+ inbound calls
4.6+ million ad impressions

By conducting market research and implementing targeted ads on the most effective channels, we are able to generate a significant number of consistent inbound leads for MCL Hospitality.


"Encipher has been great for us, they have taken our advertising and brought customers in, we never saw before. Quoting equipment has risen about 30 % , with the advertising they brought, and we cancelled mail out flyers completely. They have made the adjustments very simple and easy to work with. Calling and emailing specials and products  updates to Encipher is easy and doesn’t waste employees time. I strongly recommend this company." - Ben Panter, Owner, MCL Hospitality

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